Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Darren Patrick, in an article, 5 Ways Shepherding Helps a Pastor Grow says that it helps you prepare for living when you .......

* deal with the sin of others, you become more aware of your own sin.
* shepherd the stubborn, you see your own stubbornness.
* shepherd the selfish, you see your own selfishness.
* shepherd the broken, you inevitably see your own brokenness.
* see others obey, you want to obey.
* see others use their gifts effectively, you want to use your gifts effectively.

The Holy Spirit reveals sin, empowers obedience, and imparts gifts. Both the Greek and Hebrew words for “spirit” mean “air” or “breath.” The English word “spirit” comes from the Latin spiritus, which also means “air” or “breath”. This is where we get words like respiratory (breathing) and expire (no more breathing). It is also where we get the word inspire. It’s as if when the Spirit is at work in those whom we counsel, we pastors are, by the same Spirit, inspired to repent, believe, and obey with the best gifts we have.

 For more on this topic go to RESURGENCE

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